Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Looking for a kinder kind of life?

Remember the movie Clueless?? I actually loved it and enjoyed some good belly laughs... which is always an amazing feeling that uplifts spirits and attitudes!

I would have never guested however that many years later, star of the show, Alicia Silverstone, would compliment and reinforce many of my beliefs about how we should treat our bodies and the world kindly.

Alicias book, the kind diet introduces the real Alicia, an actress, activist, and committed conservationist! In her book she shares the insights that encouraged her to swear off meat and dairy forever and outlines the benefits of adopting a plant based diet. Right up my alley!

Whilst reading I was actually moved to tears in sections on animal cruelty and the needless suffering of animals.

The kind diet introduces 3 separate levels for those wanting to change their diets due to the fact we all progress at different rates: be a flirt, be a vegan or be a super hero. Which ever you chose your helping being kind to the world.

The best part... the tasty recipes that use such a variety of ingredients, you'll definently need to visit your Asian grocer! Which I found a fun thing to do!

This book comes majorly recommended! You can grab a copy from www.amazon.com and have it in your hot little hands in just a few days!

'When diet is wrong medicine is of no use. When diet is correct medicine is of no need.' Ancient Ayurvedic Proverb

This is a fave - fresh & colourful x

Garden guru

The not so clueless...  alicia

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